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NI-MSME organizing FREE Online Training from September 14

Hyderabad: National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme), an organization of Union Ministry of MSMEs, is organizing free online skill training programmes from September 14, 2020, onwards on first-come-first-serve basis. Union Ministry of MSME is sponsoring the training programmes under ATI scheme.

“The Entrepreneurship and Skill Development (ESDPs) programmes are being organized regularly to nurture the talent of youth by enlightening them on various aspects of industrial/business activity required for setting up MSMEs. These programmes are conducted for youth and other people interested to set up their own industrial/self-employment venture. Such activities are also organized for students from ITIs, Polytechnics and other technical institutions/ business schools, where skill/ talent is available to motivate them towards self-employment,” said ni-msme in a release.

Participants with the age of 18 years or above with the required minimum qualifications, and who are interested to set up their own industrial/business/ self-employment venture, can apply and register online at

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