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Call for proposal for “Industry 4.0 Baseline Survey Among MSMEs

Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is planning a new initiative aimed at aiding organisations and startups through the adoption of Industry emerging technologies. It has called for a proposal for “Industry 4.0 a baseline Survey among MSMEs” that aligns with the broader vision of fostering digital transformation and preparing industries for the advent of 5G and 6G technologies.


TCoE India, on behalf of DoT, is seeking proposals from organizations and startups to develop a comprehensive Industry 4.0 baseline survey for the MSME sector in India, focusing Digital Transformation through 5G Technologies and its impact on the sector. The manufacturing industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by the emergence of Industry 4.0, a concept that integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing to enhance efficiency, productivity, Process, Strategy and competitiveness. As the Indian manufacturing sector continues to evolve, it is essential to assess its current state of readiness for Industry 4.0 to identify areas of improvement and prioritize investments and make informed decisions about investments and strategic directions.

About Survey:

The survey will be targeted on understanding the challenges faced by MSMEs in adapting to Industry 4.0 and utilizing advanced technologies. The survey should aim to lay the groundwork for a robust ecosystem capable of capitalizing on the capabilities offered by 5G and 6G networks. This should include identifying sector-specific needs – in at least 10 sectors and preferences, recognizing the diverse landscape of MSMEs, and providing targeted support to foster innovation and competitiveness. The survey should not only address immediate barriers to digital transformation but also pave the way for the cyber-physical system through seamless integration of appropriate sensors using 5G /6G technologies ultimately driving sustainable growth across sectors.

Scope of Work

  • Survey Design: Design a comprehensive survey to assess Industry 4.0 adoption among MSMEs in India.
  • Data Collection: Collect primary data through online and offline surveys, interviews, or other methods.
  • Data Analysis: Analyze the collected data to identify trends, patterns, and insights.
  • Report Generation: Generate a detailed report highlighting the findings, recommendations, and implications for the MSME sector.
  • Policy Recommendations: The selected organization or startup should include policy recommendations in their survey report that support the implementation of the baseline survey findings. These recommendations should aim to enhance the overall efficiency of the MSME sector, enabling increased production at minimal or no additional cost to the businesses.
  • Initial Sectors of Focus: ·The agency may choose sectors for the survey with prior information submitted to TCoE. 

Last Date To Apply: 11 June 2024

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